What to expect the day of surgery at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children

The following videos prepare parents and children for surgical procedures at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. At RMHC, our emphasis is on keeping your children as safe and comfortable as possible. We treat every child as if they were our own. Often, visiting the facility ahead of your procedure, in addition to watching the videos below, can reduce anxiety for you and your child. Call our Child Life Specialists at 720-754-7717 to schedule your personalized pre-procedure hospital tour today or to get answers about common questions regarding a pediatric hospitalization.

Welcome to Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children

This video explains the process of arriving for surgery at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. Learn about convenient parking or complimentary valet, our friendly admissions concierge and our comfortable waiting area. 

Day of Your Child's Surgery

Surgery for children 12 years and younger

This video walks you through what the patient, parent and visitors can expect when the patient is taken back to the pre-operative area. It covers the process of taking vitals, meeting a welcoming Child Life Specialist and even driving a kid-sized Jeep back to the surgical area. This video is for patients who are 12 years and younger. 

Day of Surgery for Kids 12 Years and Younger

Surgery for children 12 years and older

This video follows patients and their families into the pre-operative area. Here, the family and patient meet the doctors involved in the procedure and the patient will receive an IV for anesthesia. A Child Life Specialist is on hand to help make the experience as comfortable and painless as possible. This video is for patients who are 12 years and older. 

Day of Surgery for Kids 12 Years and Younger

What to expect during and after surgery

This video gives you a tour of our operating room, the most technologically advanced pediatric OR in the world. In addition to state-of-the-art equipment, our OR is dedicated to keeping your child feeling safe and comfortable. Here, your child can watch a movie while being prepared for surgery. The video then follows the process for recovery and discharge. 

Day of Surgery - The OR and Recovery